Everyone Welcome
Heartcentre is a place of inspiration, a centre for personal and spiritual development supporting the integration of the sacred vibration of love into every dimension of life.
What's on at Heartcentre
All Groups, Retreats and Days of Renewal include music, meditation, teaching, inspiration and sharing, depth and light-heartedness. Everything offered at Heartcentre assists you to live with greater wisdom and consciousness so you can add your particular note of love, compassion and peace to this world more freely
The 3rd weekend in February each year. Four day Retreat.
The 3rd weekend in April each year. Three day Retreat.
The 3rd weekend in June each year. Three day Retreat.
The 3rd weekend in September each year. Three day Retreat.
Every Tuesday
Living Awareness Circle
There is a wonderful rhythm that builds in this regular weekly gathering. It is like winding a clock that keeps us in tune with the Infinite for the rest of the week. The circle supports everyone to hold an intention to refresh and nourish one's inner life and spiritual practice.
Days of Renewal
Delight and refresh your inner life with a Day of Renewal. With music, meditation, a wonderful teaching from Our Friend in Spirit, mystical poetry, and inspiring sharing and responses from others – this is a day well spent. Nourishing on all levels.
Heartcentre seekers from near far are welcome to join this Weekly Zoom Gathering on a regular basis. It is a very rich resource of teachings drawn from Our Friend, Rumi, and other Sufi Mystics, as well as the deep sharing and inspiration from participants.
End of Year Retreat – A Community Gathering
It is wonderful to finish the year with this opportunity to reflect upon what the year has brought into our lives – the gifts, the challenges, and the learning. This Retreat is a celebration of Community, and the abiding gift of sharing this path of love together, and expanding our consciousness of the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives.
New Year’s Eve Gathering
You are welcome to join us for this evening to mark the end of the year and to unite in prayers of peace for this world. Delight and nourish your inner life with the sweet sounds of Georgia’s songs, with gentle meditation, group sharing, some inspiring mystical poems of Rumi and a special New Year teaching shared by Susan. What a wonderful way to share and celebrate New Year’s Eve!
The Breeze of Love
by Georgia Carr
Georgia has created yet another spectacular album to enjoy, just for the love of it, or draw on these songs to accompany you on your inner journey.
Georgia writes her own inspired poetry in this latest collection of her songs which include mystical and contemplative themes as well as deeply meditative pieces. They stir the soul and transport the listener into the vast landscape of the heart.
cover artwork by Anandii Young
Available for download from 14 April 2019.